Transforming Trauma into Joy

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Wholeness: The state of being complete-sound-entire.

Integrity: The quality of being whole-undivided-completeness.

Restorative Touch Therapy partners with your body to restore itself.... naturally

You were meant to thrive. As a physical therapist, I value the integration of the body, soul, and spirit as key components for living a vibrant life. At Restorative Touch Therapy, you are seen, known, and treated from a place of wholeness. Building upon your brain-body connection, we will actively integrate your nervous, respiratory, digestive, muscle, sensory, fascial, and even your belief systems to help you discover optimal wellness. Allow me to partner with you to reach your health goals.

How may I serve you?

Gillespie Craniosacral Fascial Release Therapy

Terms and Conditions:

Cancellations and rescheduling of appointments must be done before 24-hours of the time of scheduled service or the full payment will be charged. Refer to product description below for expiration dates on purchases. Beliefs Training packages will be completed within 2 months of booking. There are no refunds available for services booked. Please refer to reschedule policy. I follow all state and HIPPA legal requirements for privacy and confidentiality.

Trauma Release Therapy

The Craniosacral Fascial System consists of a slight motion of the brain and spinal cord pumping cerebrospinal fluid into the fascial web that connects every structural cell of the body. When physical trauma and/or emotional trauma adversely tighten this freely moving system, tremendous pressure can be exerted on associated nerves, muscles, organs, bones, lymphatic and blood vessels. CFT is a gentle release technique to free your fascia.

Beliefs Training

The Craniosacral Fascial System consists of a slight motion of the brain and spinal cord pumping cerebrospinal fluid into the fascial web that connects every structural cell of the body. When physical trauma and/or emotional trauma adversely tighten this freely moving system, tremendous pressure can be exerted on associated nerves, muscles, organs, bones, lymphatic and blood vessels. CFT is a gentle release technique to free your fascia.

The Craniosacral Fascial System consists of a slight motion of the brain and spinal cord pumping cerebrospinal fluid into the fascial web that connects every structural cell of the body. When physical trauma and/or emotional trauma adversely tighten this freely moving system, tremendous pressure can be exerted on associated nerves, muscles, organs, bones, lymphatic and blood vessels.

CFT is a gentle release technique to free your fascia.

Beliefs Training

There are no hopeless circumstances,

only people who have lost hope. Once a person finds true hope, their circumstances must change.

We don't need a new set of circumstances-

we need a new set of beliefs.

~Steve Backlund~

As a Certified Beliefs Trainer with Igniting Hope Ministries,

I offer 60-minute sessions which target the lies leading to hopelessness which the enemy has told you in areas of beliefs about yourself, your circumstances, God, and other people. You will discover declarations that daily transform the way you think and live.

Romans 12:2

Trauma Release Therapy

Based on research by Bessel Van Der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score and Peter Levine's

Healing Trauma, we work with your body's sensations in the present moment to release stored trauma responses without revisiting the painful past memories that can potentially lead to re-traumatization.

New neural pathways of response are created as the client engages with sensations in the moment and clients often discover a safe relationship with their own body, thus gaining a sense of self and belonging.

The client is equipped with resiliency tools to respond to triggers in ways which allow their autonomic nervous system to self-regulate.

As clients explore boundaries and responsibility, the integration of the client's

body, soul, and spirit actually increases their capacity to respond to life's events without triggering into trauma response.

A faith-based option is also available .

Transforming Trauma into Joy

Life life's us, doesn't it? Events happen, disappointments come, our body goes into trauma responses of fight, flight, freeze (and fawn.) These responses serve us well in the moment of need, but often hang on long after the traumatizing event is over. Those 4-F responses get stuck in our cellular memory and resurface when we get triggered.

Over time, repeated traumas create a belief system and cycle of hopelessness with a mindset that says 'this always happens to me.'

Here is where Trauma Touch/Trauma Gates work comes in,

reversing the cycle in a gentle, compassionate, empowering way.

By remaining curious about sensations, your body will unwind

the stored trauma responses and hopelessness will transform into

gratitude, joy, and empowerment.

Client Testimonials

I've had talk therapy for pretty much my whole life due to childhood traumas. When I heard of Trauma Touch Therapy, I was hopeful that the different approach might break the cycle I was stuck in. After only 7 sessions, I am calmer and more relaxed in situations that would have triggered me big-time in the past. I no longer over-think things like I used to. I am more confident and connected in my body and mind. I've never been so grateful as I am for Judy and the way she holds space for me to just 'be' in my sessions. I do not feel apologetic for being me in the world anymore!

~LW, 34 yr old mom

I've had talk therapy for pretty much my whole life due to childhood traumas. When I heard of Trauma Touch Therapy, I was hopeful that the different approach might break the cycle I was stuck in. After only 7 sessions, I am calmer and more relaxed in situations that would have triggered me big-time in the past. I no longer over-think things like I used to. I am more confident and connected in my body and mind. I've never been so grateful as I am for Judy and the way she holds space for me to just 'be' in my sessions. I do not feel apologetic for being me in the world anymore!

~LW, 34 yr old mom

During Trauma Gates, Judy held such a safe space for me in my healing journey. When I first came in I lacked autonomy within myself, was disassociated from my body and was not well-connected to my heart.

My greatest revelation with her guidance was making the connection within my mind through my body, that I am and have always been irrevocably loved.

The lie I had believed for so long with so much anguish & self hatred was lifted & there was no doubt that I am one with love. I am safe in my body. My cycle regulated after not having one for multiple years as the trauma released. I highly recommend Trauma Gates with Judy.


Judy was a God-send for me in a very hard time of my life. At our first meeting I saw the hope and faith she had that things would get better in my life.

She taught me how to live in the moment and not be disassociated from my body. Thanks to the trauma release work with Judy, I was able to read, retain information, and really focus my brain for the first time in over a year. I am now thriving and continue to improve in my capacity to respond to events that I can't control with less intense freeze and flight.

My beliefs about myself, my circumstances, others and even about God have changed to be more hopeful. I am a coach/counselor and in a recent session with a teenager, I found myself encouraging this girl by quoting Judy. I don’t have enough words to express how much Judy has helped me and how thankful I am that God brought her into my life.

~A Mom of 4